After a nuclear incident in parts of Puff Valley, Apekind is in shock! Total chaos, family members are missing and huge land is devastated.
But some brave apes are not giving up and will go on a rescue mission to recover their lost ones. They aren't ready for what they will see, but the $PUFF will help.
Total Supply
Mint Supply
420 (=10%)
Rescue Supply
3790 (=90%)
Mint Price
16 SOL Dutch Auction
Super Rare
10 Legendary Nuked Apes
15th Feb: Rescue 19th Feb: Mint
Rescue Mission
*The $PUFF Amount needed for a rescue mission increases every time 100 NAC are rescued by 4.2%.
For the first 12h after Launch it stays fixed at 1780 $PUFF.
After a mission your Stoned Apes need 7 days of cooldown before going on a new mission.
Re-using a Stoned Ape increases the $PUFF required by 30%.
Ape Recruiting
Holders with only one SAC can recruit a second one for a renting fee of 5.25 SOL.
Holders who want to offer their ape for recruiting earn 3 SOL for a Chimpion and 4.2 SOL for a Role Ape.
Public Mint
The Public Mint is held via a Dutch Auction.
This means the Apes have a starting price of 16 SOL. Every 30min the price decreases by 0.5 SOL until it reaches a fair price.
Stoned Ape Crew Genesis Holders will have early access to the Dutch Auction at 5PM UTC.
in 42 seconds
Nuked Apes are part of the Stoned Ape Crew Ecosystem and therefore share their amazing Utilites.
$PUFF Staking
Nuked Apes can be staked and earn between 3 and 69 $PUFF per day depending on their rarity.
Exclusive SAC Benefits
Whitelist Spots for all future Mints, access to exclusive SAC Alpha and more.
Entry Ticket to Amsterdam Launch Party
Planned for May/June + other IRL events.
Coming soon. Nuked Apes can be sent on retreat to get new traits.
Big surprise...
Connected to our Incubator. All we say is $ALL 👀